17 Killer SEO Tips and Tricks for absolute beginners.

Do you get dismal search engine traffic to your blog? Have you been working your butt off trying to get people click through to your blog without much success? Are you tired of low traffic to  your blog and have made up you mind to do something about it? Well, I got a surprise trick for you - It is SEO!

You have probably heard a lot about Search Engine Optimization- unless you started blogging just the other day. But since you are reading this, I will take it that you know what SEO is and you also know what you are looking for. You are probably here because you are tired of getting pathetic daily views in your site. You have done all the crap that could ever be done and still nothing worth smiling about is happening. It is devastating, that I know for sure. But it is not like people do not want to visit your blog. You may be having the best articles out there, they are looking for it. So what? You are the problem. Not really you, your SEO practices suck!

But if you are ready to walk through with me, I am going to show you the best SEO tips and tricks for absolute beginners that world's blogging gurus are using out there to get all the traffic. They are not a can of worms to implement. You just need to be ready to sacrifice for the success you are looking for. I am not going to start promising that your page views will shoot up the first thing tomorrow morning. It may take sometime, really. It all depends on how seriously you are ready to blog yourself to success. But ultimately, the fruits will come falling right on your head. And trust me, they won't hurt. Ready? let's get you learning...

  1. Web Design matters

Yeah I understand you might be tempted to make your website as flashy as you can get it. But if your site is not SEO friendly, then it may as well be the most  flashy website nobody knows about. What is the use of a really nice looking blog without traffic anyway? So when you design your site, have SEO in mind. If you don't get what I mean, look for a professional web designer or buy a nice template that is already SEO optimized.

      2. Content is king

That one is a cliche, I know. But without it, uh oh. Your site must be full of good quality content for web crawlers to feed on. Trust me, those Google bots look for fleshy content, they really hate skeletons. So write good stuff, don't just write. Got it?

    3. Link is queen

With good content comes good links. Every time you write a blog post, make it your first priority to link internally as much as possible. Linking enables search engine crawlers to jump from one page to another. That will tremendously boost your ranging in search engines. So you gotta love links

   4. Choose your keywords carefully

Do not just write. Make sure you include the right keywords in your content. Use words and phrases that people are most likely typing into search engines.And do not just drop them about your post any way you want hoping that web crawlers will notice them- they won't

  5. Create links using phrases rather than single words

Google recommends this. When linking to other content, you are advised to use phrases as links rather than single words. For example if you want to link to some content about social marketing, a link with the phrase "great tips for social media marketers" is better than one with just "marketing" or the notorious "click here"


6. Fresh content means higher ranging

Search engines do not like stale content. If you are writing one blog post in a month, you will hurt your traffic because you won't appear anyway in search reults. So make sure you are updating your site regularly. Three posts in a week should not be a lot of work.

7. Use keyword phrases 

Long keyword phrases work better than single words. For example " free writing tips for beginners" is better that just "writing tips"

8. Do not be selfish with your links

A link or two to other sites won't hurt you. Some of the people you link to may actually link back increasing you back links. But make sure you link to sites that are of value to your readers. Google will also ban you if you are regularly linking to sites with illegal content that they don't  like.

9. Do not work too much to get higher page rank

Not being on the first page of search results does not mean you are doomed. If you are doing the right thing, people will still find you. Just work on other stuff like your mailing list, backlinks and social media accounts instead.


10. Don't just link

Links are great but if you got the wrong idea about how to use them, web crawlers will hate your site. Make sure that you are linking to appropriate content or pages. For example if you have a link with the phrase " effective tips for loosing weight quickly" and when I click on it, am taken to a post about "how to hack your neighbor computer without being caught" mmmmhh... Now that is inappropriate linking.

11. Do not overuse keywords

Keywords are awesome but too many keywords are poisonous. Use keywords naturally in your posts. Do not fix them everywhere and wait for higher page rank.  One quality keyword is more effective than twenty inappropriate ones. Be natural. Be smart.

12. Do not waste cash buying links

Paying popular sites to place links to your site won't do you much. You might get a few clicks, but that is all there is to it. Unless the links are placed in the body of the posts, they won't be much effective. You have probably noticed those "sponsored links" embedded in some corner of popular sites. That's what am talking about.

13. Get popular sites to link back to you

This is different from paid links. Convincing some popular blogger to include two or three links to your site on their posts is a great trick. If the blogger in question is darling of his/her readers, they will follow any links that he/she recommends. So you are sure to get some generous clicks.

14. Guest blog on popular sites

If you can't get anybody to link back to you, then writing some posts for them is a great alternative. They will probably not be offended if you include a few links in the posts to your own site. Make sure you also include an awesome bio to entice readers back to your site.

15. Make sure your content is unique

There is a difference between quality content and unique content. Quality content follows all the SEO rules while unique content stands out from the rest. If you are writing about what everybody else is writing or simply copying other peoples' stuff you will terribly be disappointed with low traffic. You are simply not being unique.

16. Use Google analytics

Understanding the behavior of readers on your site is a great SEO practice. Google analytics will help you understand such things as how many visitors your site gets, the keywords they use and what pages they visit. Such information will help you come up with a more solid SEO strategy.

 17. Use Google Adwords

If you must really advertise you site, then Google Adwords is a great choice. Unlike paid links on other sites,you are likely to get some good clicks.

There you are! These tips have deeply researched  and found to be most effective. So if you are just going to stare at them and do nothing, you have yourself to blame. Start implementing them right away, one by one- you don't want to use all of them at the same time. Good lack.


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