9 Tips for writing a blog post that will go viral

typingHave you ever written a blog post that nobody reads or comments on? The kind of a post that shows the lowest count of views you wouldn’t even want looking at yourself? Well we all do that at some point and that’s why I am writing this post to show you that all is not gone. That you can still be that amazing writer that will always get the attention of the readers and get them craving for more. Isn’t that what we all want to be? Let me show you the trick…
A great blog post has more to it than meets the eye. We have all at some point come across a blog post that you enjoy so much reading that you feel that you already are a great writer yourself. That is called inspiration and any great post will inspire the reader.
There are three things that will generally determine your post’s acceptability among the readers;
1.Purpose. What is the purpose of your blog post? Is it offering some useful information that the readers have been ransacking the internet for or is it a copy write post promoting some funny stuff they even have no idea what it is. The purpose of the post will play a major role in determining whether someone is going to take time to read it or they would rather grab some old magazine and stare at.
2. Writing style and tone
. It is always advised that you have your readers in mind every time you write a post. Put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine how they would want the post to be written. The style , that is the formatting and design of the post is very crucial. Do not use a certain style because you love it. use it because your readers love it. Same to the tone. It would be nice that you are not too professional or businesslike. People will take you for a maniac and I assure you they don’t like it that way. Use a friendly tone that is interactive at the same time. A tone that will make the reader feel at home and see you as a friend rather that a businessman.
3. Language. Whatever language you use is going to determine how your post going to attract readers. There are lots of languages worldwide. But you do not know all of them. So what do you do about it? Write in a language that is used by most people. Preferably English. You can also include a language translator plugin in your blog to make it more easier.
Usually a complete and compelling blog post is made up of four parts;
1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Body
4. Conclusion

Let us analyze each one of them step by step.

1. Title
Did you know that the title is actually the backbone of the whole post? Surprised? I will prove it to you.
When you write a post, usually it is the title that shows on search engines. So how you write it will dictate whether someone is going to click it say on Google and read your post or flag it as irrelevant and then ignore it. You might be having the information that the reader is actually looking for but the way you write your title may convey the wrong picture of the entire post body.
Read more about writing great blog post titles here 

2. Introduction
An introduction is like an extension of the title. Actually it expounds the title more and give a gist of what is contained in the entire body. A section of the introduction will also show on search engines together with the title. So it is relevant that you make it as informational as possible. People looking for the kind of information you are providing will simply read the introductory part of the post shown on search engines and decide whether your post is the right one.

2. Body
This is where you fill in all the information you want your readers to know. It is the stem of the post. A great body will lead to great readership. A pathetic post body will show pathetic readership count. You need to make your body as informational and interesting as possible to keep keep your readers occupied and yawning for more.

4. Conclusion
This is how you end your post.How important is it? After all the readers has already finished reading so the conclusion is not very important is it? Well it is. You know this where you give your readers the final assurance that indeed what you promised is valid and proven and that they are going to benefit from it. Well, to be frank, this is where your reader will have your final assurance and how you present it will determine whether your are going to win up to the last ounce of their loyalty and trust or they will leave wondering if they should believe what you promised. This is your chance to make them believe and not only believe but also put it in action and come back some day to convey their gratitude.
Well, I hope you now have a gist of what you have been missing out on. Try these simple tips and I assure you the results will be nothing less than tremendous.
This is your chance to to awe your readers and get them to always come back for more. You know they come back for no crap. Give them no crap.


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