5 Reasons your blog is not making money and how to overcome them

catBlogging can be fun or nuts depending on how seriously you take it. There are different reasons why people blog which can be summed up into either for fun or as a business. If you are blogging for money or are thinking of beginning, then this post is for you. Blogging for money deserves the kind of seriousness you would accord your paid job or even more. Nothing good comes out of a silver plate and blogging is no exception.
There comes a time when however much wits you employ, your blog isn’t just making a penny. That’s when you would love to believe that maybe you landed in the wrong niche and should retreat. No! The decision to start blogging was sound and sage and there is no way you could be in the wrong field.
Just like a good dish, a money making blog requires sudden things to be considered which are essential ingredients for it to make any money.
I have discussed below a list of 5 carefully selected mishaps that could be the core reason as to why your blog is not making money. I have also included remedies to these misdoings to help you make a turn around and get your blog on top of the top earning blogs.

1) Poor content. There is good content and poor content. If your blog content is irrelevant or simply sketchy nobody is going to linger around trying to make sense out of it. If you are talking about cars, do not tell people what cars are throughout your post; by the gods they already know!
Discuss your topic as deeply as possible leaving nothing to the readers’ imagination- because the best imagination they can come up with is that you could be a joker and they don’t like them jokers in serious business. Do not include irrelevant information like how you loved cars when you were a kid. All kids love cars and they aren’t talking about. Give people new and authentic information that they have never had.

2) Poor writing skills. Being a blogger means you are a good writer. Blogging and writing go hand in hand. Nobody love to read things they don’t undetstand and can’t make sense out of. To make it as a blogger, good writing skills should be your first rule. There are a number of valuable ways to improve your skills as a writer. The internet offers dozens of them freely. Read them and correct your weak areas. You can also consider buying premium courses that has something useful to do with writing. They are more enriching than the free ones.
Personally, I believe reading books is the most effective and long lasting technique to sharpen your skills as a writer. I read a lot of books and this habit has had a profound effect on my writing and has also maintained my passion for the job. Be a bookworm and nobody is gonna deny you dinner for it.

3) There’s little or no traffic. If you blog for money, then blog traffic should be your first priority. You need people to see and appreciate the kind of services you have to offer then probably buy them. You need people to click your affiliate links for you to be paid . People to click on the banners. People to read your ebooks. People to subscribe to your mailing list…
In layman’s language, all I mean is without sufficient traffic, your blog is as good as a jumper shop in the coast.
Some of the monetization methods like the pay per click (PPC) and use of banners require massive traffic for them to generate any cash . Google AdSense will shut down your account after some time for low performance if you have little or no traffic at all.
So if you are thinking of monetizing your blog attracting and keeping your blog traffic should be the first thing on your mind. Otherwise you are gonna mess up with your time and walk home with a banging head- not delicious for a blogger huh?

4) You are using poor or no monetization methods. To make money from a blog you got to monetize it. Period! I bet even my grandmother should be knowing that. Otherwise how to you make money. You can have all the educative ebooks, all the premium services and you are bunching your keyboard because you are not making any money. Have mercy for the keyboard and start monetizing your blog.
However, it’s not all about having no monetization methods; some monetization methods are nuts and they won’t get you a penny. For example as I highlighted above if you are using Google AdSense you need all the traffic. So let’s say you are using Google AdSense and your hits counter is showing a three digit number which probably starts with one or two… Uh-oh. You better go start a grocery. I mean, that’s a poor method to monetize your blog if you have low traffic. Or we could also say you are a Self Development blogger and you are promoting alcoholic products from Amazon on your blog. Isn’t that like selling T-shirts in a slaughter house? Nobody is gonna buy them because they probably stink beef. Selling or promoting products in your blog that contradict with or has nothing to do with what you are blogging about is doom – God knows it’s doom. When you are blogging on self development people expect to see stuff like most inspiring books of all time or 10 ways to get your confidence blooming not a list of the most famous bars or strip clubs in town for God’s sake! You will suck and they won’t find it wise to come back. Otherwise who wants to be spoiled when they are looking for inspiration? I wager not a sane soul.

5) You are all about money. A money minded blogger is a doomed blogger. The initial intention of a blog is to provide solutions to myriad of problems that readers have, to give services, educate and enrich the readers with valuable knowledge. But you also want to make money don’t you? Yes you do. So why not sell all the stuff and swell your PayPal or skrill accounts with dollars? Bad idea. Get this from me for free: The worst way to make money from your blog is by letting your readers know that you really want to make money. They will take you for a money minded coneman and run way feeling relieved that they realized that. You may not be a coneman, you may be having the best Ebooks on the net or even providing the best services ever. But looking at all these goodies you have in terms of money is a lethal blogging suicide that no saviour can do anything about. In fact, in the blogging world the more you sell the less or no money you make. Not fair huh? Now that the landlord is choking your bank account and you really need the cash.
So what? Blogging to pay rent is such a bad idea. Spank the money minded you to hell and give people what they want – first for free then the dollars will flow in naturally. Its all about winning confidence and trust from your readers. And they can only appreciate and trust you when you give free and helpful stuff wholeheartedly. When your readers can trust you and love your work, they won’t raise an eyebrow when you ask for a few pennies for an amazing Ebook you almost cracked your keyboard writing.
Research shows that some of the best and richest blogs around don’t actually sell anything! Am I kidding? I swear am not, neither are the researchers. So how do they make money? Do they use some lucky rings or miraculous sorcerers? They don’t.
Here’s the deal before you ask another question. I did mention that when you give free and valuable stuff you get you readers’ trust and appreciation. Let me also mention here that it gets you massive traffic. And with this massive traffic, these smart entrepreneurs don’t actually need to sell anything. All they do is help others promote and sell their products. The affiliate links will be clicked on, the banners will be viewed and they will make their money. Companies, firms and other popular websites will pay a fortune to have their links and products displayed on these sites.
Boy, do people love free stuff. They will come panting and puffing for it. And for gracious sake give it to them! Didn’t anybody tell you that’s traffic? Well, I just did.
Now go back to your nice blog, remove all the price tags, tell your readers you are giving an immortal promotion, then sit back and smile about it. That’s how smart bloggers make money.
To all the blogging maniacs looking to create bank accounts out of their blogs… Cheers!!


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