8 Super Easy ways to create a stunning blog post title

titleDid you know that a blog post title is the most important part of your post? Well, in case you didn’t I am going to tell you why and you won’t believe how much traffic you have missed just because you have been creating poor blog post titles. A post title is probably the shortest part of your post and many bloggers will take this as it not being very important. You got to stop that after reading this. Many prominent copywriters hide their prowess in the titles of their articles. The massive traffic you see in your favorite blogs and websites, largely wrought from the kind of post titles they create.
So how does blog post titles draw traffic to your site? Here is the big deal ( not really big after you finish reading this). A post title is what will determine whether one is going to read your content or not. You know, this is the part that will show on search engine results, social networks when you share your posts, on your RSS feed and even on links you share on other blogs or websites. So how cleverly or clumsily you write it will determine whether readers are going to click through to your post.
It doesn’t matter how useful or terrific the content of your blog is, if the title does not convey the right information in the right way, your content can as well go “stale”. And you don’t want that to happen, do you? I don’t. That is why I came up with this highly effective eight tips to help you create a seductive post title that will get all the information hungry readers stumbling to your blog. Remember that you don’t have to use all of these tricks in one post title. That might make it turn out horrible! But if you are witty enough you can incorporated at least a fraction of each tip to come up with an awesome title. Let’s get you learning…

1. Make the title short and to the point
In as much as you want to be as descriptive as you can, do not be too wordy. They say that is poisonous and you don’t want to make it lethal. People don’t like unnecessary stories and they hate it more when such shit is in the post title, they will very quickly scroll down.
Again you want your title to be fully accommodated by the search engines. Keep in mind that only about the first 65 characters will be displayed. So if you make it too long, some information will be cut out and people will take it to be incomplete. So make it as short and as descriptive as possible.
Let’s look at this examples:
8 Effective ways to loose weight first and be healthy again in two weeks that you will never regret!
8 Effective ways to loose weight in two weeks
The two titles are actually putting across the same message but the first one is too long and rather complicated. That’s another hazard. The longer the titles, the more likely they are to lose meaning!

2. Use strong keywords
This is very important. It is actually what will determine how you rate in search engines. It is very crucial to use as descriptive keywords as possible.
Let’s go back to our weight loss sample title. What are some of the important keywords you don’t want to leave out? We are talking about how to lose weight so words like weight lose, lose weight, loosing weight, cut weight blah blah blah have to be included. The kind of keywords you choose in your title will choose how you rank in search engines.

3. Make them controversial and open for discussion
Boy, do people love controversy and drama? This is actually the trick that most of the prominent bloggers you know use. The content might not be as controversial but the controversy in the title will draw enough traffic, some of which might be your customers!
Here is how controversial and debate oriented titles work. You have this really great content you just wrote, not necessary too much controversial, but it is stunning and way too much informational.
So when people click through, they might not find much controversy as the title promised but they might as well discover that hey, this dude really has stuff worth reading anyway. They will stick around and would love to join your mailing list for more of the good stuff. I am assuming you already know that anybody on your mailing list is your potential customer. Don’t you?
Here is an example of a controversial blog post title;
How to lose weight without doing anything about it.

4. Use numbers
I have no idea how this works, but the fact remains it works. And we are after ways that work. Well I guess it’s more of something to do with instincts, whatever. People love titles with numbers. Me too! And that is why I included a number in this post’s title and may be that’s why you decided to click and read it. Some will tell you that odd numbers work best. I can’t disapprove or approve that but you are always free to give it a try. Try it now!

5. Indicate the benefits your post is going to offer
If your title indicate that the kind of content you have is beneficial, people are more likely going to want to read it. For example if you are talking about weight loss, what are the benefits one will get after reading your post?
Here is an example of a title with a benefit;
8 Effective ways to lose weight and live a healthy life.
So what is the benefit? After losing weight you live a healthy life. Everyone wants to live a healthy life, don’t you? Don’t deny…

6. Make it a question
Questions trigger peoples urge to give a response, either because they know the answer or they have been looking for an answer to that question. This is likely to improve traffic to your blog and if you give good stuff, they will bookmark your site and always come back. Why not try it now! Ask a question like;
Did you know that you can lose weight by jogging every morning?

7. Be realistic
Nobody goes to Google or any other search engine looking for fluff and scam. You title must promise things that are possible and can be achieved without being supernatural or some kind of a Batman. Don’t try to get people to read you post by promising them heavenly manna. They will find no manna and the last thing they want is to come back to your site.
Bloggers on the ‘ make money niche’ are very good at this. Stuff like, How to make $10,000 in two weeks without doing anything. That is not realistic and I don’t know of any money that come on silver plate just like that. Those dubious tricks do not work any more and you better not use them. Or you are doomed!

8. Titles must be grammatically correct!
I am highly allergic to grammar errors and there are million others like me. Poor grammar will simply get your post parking and nobody is ever going to read it.You know why? That puts readers off. It is good to double check for grammatical errors before publishing your post. It is very important that you do this to avoid being branded a name you don’t deserve. I know you can never be perfect and you can never capture all of the errors ( Usually in the content) but it is always good to minimize on the number of errors to put your post on a safer position. You have a good post and it’s got to be read. Don’t let that simple error spoil everything.
Now you know why nobody has been reading your posts and why you have that pathetic traffic to your site. It is always good to try and do things in a new way. Try these simple tips and you could as well build yourself a name online.
Good luck!


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